A cohesive brand strategy that resonates with your target audience is proven to increase sales, reputation, recognition, and client satisfaction.
I have over 6 years of professional logo/branding dYour brand can reach its full potential, and I can help you get there!
My clients have seen incredible success. One client example, The Mobile Milk Maid (a lactation consulting business) launched her new brand/podcast and had over 2,000 podcast downloads in less than 2 months.
If you're interested in creating a brand that resonates with your target audience, click the button at the bottom of this page to get in contact.

In July of 2022, 2 years after officially starting E Graphics LLC, Erica woke up to an award from Clutch: one of Idaho's Top B2B Service Providers in Idaho!
This couldn't have been possible without the support from her community, agencies/businesses with long-term contracts, friends, family, and especially to her current and former clients.